Clarity Kit

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Get Your Focus Back with the Clarity Kit!

If you’re feeling like you’ve got so much to do that you just can’t think clearly, you don’t know which task to do first and you’re feeling overwhelmed – it can be a really stressful cycle.

We all get caught in that overwhelm trap at times, and it’s a problem because it robs us of our focus, it reduces our ability to think clearly and make good decisions and plus – it feels pretty awful, right?!

We’ve heard that some stress can be a good thing – but this is different; it’s a gnawing sense of feeling out of control. It’s not a stress that pushes you forward, rather it’s the type that makes you feel trapped. When that happens, people tend to react in one of two ways – they either become frozen in indecision or they just do lots of random tasks, hoping that something will ‘work’.

There is another way though, and I’d love to share it with you. Please let me help.

My name is Joanne Ernst, and as an experienced project manager and professional coach, I can help you easily get rid of overwhelm and welcome your clarity and focus back – within the next hour.

So here’s the thing. There’s a gap between where you want to be and where you currently are – and sometimes that gap can seem insurmountable. That leads to feeling stuck and frustrated, overwhelmed with all there is to do and not enough time to get it done – when what you really want is a clear way forward and a focused action plan.

Does that ring true for you?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve worked with many people whose brilliance and talents were disappearing under a mountainous task list; it’s much more common than you might think.

The good news is that I’ve created a special kit to help you, and you can implement it immediately to feel calmer and get your focus back. By the end of the workbook & accompanying audio you will have a clear path forward and a focused action plan.

If you don’t know my background, it’s in project management. I’ve successfully managed highly complex, multi-million dollar projects and have learnt how to cut through all the extraneous ‘stuff’ to get to the pragmatic core of what really matters, to what is really going to bring you the results you want. Nowadays as a coach and author, I do something similar, but for fabulous individuals like you instead of for projects!

I understand that you want results straight away, so the great news is that you can purchase this instantly downloadable kit to use right away.Yay! 🙂

You might be wondering what the Clarity Kit is exactly, let me explain.
The Clarity Kit includes:
  • A powerful audio class where I walk you through the process of overcoming overwhelm and creating clarity
  • An insightful template to define your direction
  • A robust template and project management checklist for creating your unique action plan

It’s all instantly downloadable once your payment has been processed. So in less than an hour from now you could step out of overwhelm and have your clarity and focus back.

The Clarity Kit will help you easily overcome overwhelm and stress. If you’re frozen in inaction or indecision, or scurrying around in ineffective action and feeling stressed out – this is going to help you stop that and get into powerful action that moves you, your business and your career forwards.

Listen to the audio class and follow the special ‘done for you’ templates and feel your stress levels reduce ….

Let me hold your hand as I walk you through a simple process to get genuine clarity. Together we’ll clear the fog of overwhelm that is hampering you and get you moving powerfully forwards.

Think of it as a special blend of pragmatic project management and encouraging, enlightening coaching 🙂

By the end of this succinct downloadable kit I promise you will:

  • feel calmer
  • have a clear direction
  • have a specific action plan so you can get the results you desire and deserve
  • be energized and excited about the future – a delightful change from stress and overwhelm I assure you!

Plus I’m even including a special bonus when you purchase the Clarity Kit:
  • As a special gift with this purchase you will also receive my copyrighted Unique Strengths and Talents (UST) profiling tool. This brilliant tool addresses the very core of your power and productivity by helping you get into YOUR unique zone.
  • Using your Unique Strengths and Talents means you can leverage your time and your talents to create greater income, impact and freedom – it’s amazing what you can achieve when you follow these simple steps!
When you work from your strengths and talents, everything just flows so much easier – you’ll cut through your to-do list like a hot knife through butter; truly it’s amazing!

Sound good? Great, let’s do it!

If you want to reduce your stress and get genuine clarity click the ‘Enroll Now’ button below.

I look forward to working with you!

Your Instructor

Joanne Murphy Ernst
Joanne Murphy Ernst


My name’s Joanne Murphy Ernst and my background is in project management and executive coaching.

Nowadays I'm a coach and author who thrives on helping people step into their greatness. I love helping people like you to strip away the overwhelm and stress and step into your amazing potential!

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Clarity Kit
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!